Excellent. I have found a lot of tube that is unavailable right now. I am looking at capillary tube that is stainless and it looks to be .9mm thick, which seems too thin? I will hunt around more and update anything I find.
If you are trying to add a bail - why not peen a bail on (like a 1950s 91mm)?
I used to make fixed blade knives and the best method I found for making hollow rivets was to cut the tube fractionally longer than required and anneal it. Then find two countersunk headed screws with shanks that fit into the tube while leaving the heads outside and trim so only a short bit of shank remains on each one. Insert the tube into the handle and place one piece of screw in each end of it then slowly tighten in a vice. The countersunk heads will flare the tube consistently and gently so you can get it just right, then carefully file flush. It might be a struggle with the diameters you are talking about here but it does make nice tube rivets if you can find countersunk screws in the right size.Sent from my SAK using Tapatalk
Very nice! How did you fit the rivet?Sent from my SAK using Tapatalk
Very nice!Why did the scale start cracking if you don't mind my asking?