Thanks for the idea, I've been thinking about it...
Not the most difficult mod to make, but I still had to drill through that pretty tough handle ! I also had to dremel part of the little tab that got in the way of the pliers. I had seen someone on youtube do something similar, but he just cut of the tab entirely, and so his clip swirled around with now way to stop it. Mine is nice and secure, no jiggling and it is, for now at least, really solid. I now have a PST2 with a Sidekick clip, or a Sideclip with scissors, file and a combo blade. Should I call it the PST2.5 ? The Sideclip2 ? Sure, it doesn't have the perfect beauty, solid feel and class of the Sideclip, and it seems less streamlined than the PST, but, all in awl (which it doesn't have), I like it quite a bit. Only problem is the different type of lettering on the presentation side…