Never argue with someone whose IQ is lower than the room temperature.
Good one! I may have to steal that one some time!Def
A bit of clarification may be required.In many sports, but especially hockey, the term "Set the tone!" is like a battle cry. It basically means that you take the dominant position and "set the tone" for the game and the other players.They say it a lot in a Canadian show called Shoresy, about an aging hockey player in a minor league. If you don't mind a lot of foul language and the occasional bit of nudity, I highly recommend the show. It seems very silly on the surface, but is actually extremely well written. that's beside the point- the reason I tell these horrible jokes every morning is to set the tone for the day. Make it a positive one. Sure the day is going to wear on you, but if you start higher up, you stand a better chance of making it through with your head held high, even in a workplace like mine where morale is painfully low.It's a little thing, but setting a positive tone for the day just as it's beginning can make all the difference to a lot of people.Def
Have you watched Letterkenny?