I live in New Zealand, and it is not unusual to find discontinued products from time to time still new on the shelf years after they are discontinued. I was at a local non-chain hardware store today and saw a couple discontinued Leatherman products for sale - still new in the box.They had a Crunch and a Style PS. Not really into the Style PS since it does not have a blade, but I am on the fence over the Crunch. What is a new in box Crunch worth these days in US dollars? eBay did not turn up much for comparison.
Not sure if I would want to keep it or sell it - was more interested in seeing if if was a good deal. The shop is selling it for about $150 USD.
I'll be there in late April for a two week holiday, I'll definitely keep my eyes open for good deals. Pete
Finding this sort of thing in Hammer Hardware stores is not uncommon - especially the ones in small towns. In addition to discontinued Leatherman products, have found long discontinued Victorinox and Wenger knives in those places.We have a NZ specific online auction selling platform called Trademe. Stuff comes across there all the time for crazy cheap prices sometimes. I just purchases a like-new 1997 PST with the original leather ship (also like-new) from there for $25 not too long ago.
Thanks Mate,We will be in the South for a week and then up to the North Island. I will most definitely keep an eye open, especially on the Trademe site. Cheers, Pete
Well as of about an hour ago, there is one less Crunch for sale on the South Island