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Our obsession and the real world.

us Offline cbl51

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Our obsession and the real world.
on: September 15, 2024, 07:57:11 PM
I have admitted before that I was once a knife nut. This obsession was to the point that I often had three different knives on me at one time, and this was in a modern suburban environment. It took a few years, but I eventually got to see where it was a bit ridiculous, as millions of people mange to get through modern life with no knife at all. As I campout of the fevered insane try, I got rid of all the knives, but kept the SAK's.

This modern life we lead, we are surrounded by gadgets and gizmos. Sometimes a knife is needed to open a package, or deal with some snack food. But...often a tool is needed much more than a knife. Some gadget starts to malfunction, or goes dead. Often, a little fussing or finagling is needed to get things going again. A screw driver, a pointy poking or prying tool. I can't count the times I got something going again just by having the ability to open it up and poke, wiggle some wires, or just tighten something down that had come loose. Like a stalled Vespa motor scooter in a deserted dirt road in the middle of nowhere. Or an ill maintained outboard motor on a rented skiff off the coast of Key West. A knife was not needed at all, but the small Phillips screw ca[pable tool was a life saver.

So, what do we do...carry a knife plus tools or consolidate and carry a multitool with a knife blade? In the interest of minimalism, the multitool with do the knife jobs, but not the opposite. The small SAK is a wonder of form and function in a pocket size package. It allows for the simplification of the whole EDC thing to just one item. 

I think people in general, tend to overthink things. and when pushed by mercenary  for profit magazines and forums sponsored by parties that are motivated by greed, it sometimes gets out of hand. This is the last forum I have any kind of activity on. I've quit gun forums, knife forums, motorcycle forums, and more. I reached a point that I don't need forums or magazine writers to tell me what I need. I'm not spending much time anymore on any forums because at this stage of my life, I am going out living that life. I know what I need, and I have what I need.

So, I'm made some good aqauntences and friends on forums, but I don't know how many wake ups I have coming to me. Soooo, I'm going off to live what life I have left to me, going fishing, woods walks with my wife of over 50 years, and my dog. There's road trips take to opposite ends of the country to see the kids and grandkids, With a SAK in my pocket that's all I need. I don't need the knife of the month with the special steel of the month that will hold an edge through skinning a dozen buffalo.

I may check in now and then to see what's going on in the worlds of SAKKdom and multitools, and share a few private messages with friends I have made here.  But I have simplified my life and now what matters most to me is the people in that life.

Take it easy folks, and be good.
Don't get too serious, just enough will do.

fr Offline rvlulu

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Re: Our obsession and the real world.
Reply #1 on: September 15, 2024, 08:53:40 PM

us Offline Barry Rowland

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Re: Our obsession and the real world.
Reply #2 on: September 15, 2024, 09:18:13 PM
Safe travels and fair winds my friend!

us Offline Kraken

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Re: Our obsession and the real world.
Reply #3 on: September 15, 2024, 10:18:37 PM
Fair winds and following seas, sir. Enjoy the sunrises aand sunsets wherever you may find them.
Semper Fortis

00 Offline Simon_Templar

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Re: Our obsession and the real world.
Reply #4 on: September 15, 2024, 11:57:18 PM
Sounds like a plan, Carl. Your post reminded me of those famous maxims written at the entrance of the delphic oracle: "Know thyself" and "Nothing in excess". Some say this is all the wisdom the oracle had to give.

us Offline LoopCutter

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Re: Our obsession and the real world.
Reply #5 on: September 16, 2024, 12:02:29 AM
Realization of your situation and need is victory of its own.

Congratulation on finding a mate that has your back with 50 years together.  Very impressive.

I enjoyed 46 years with mine👍

If traveling by air, remember to place any sharps in the ch coed luggage.

If no checked bags, my solution, depending on destination is if Walmart is close, shop for a compatible pocket tool suitable for your need.

Or, Amazon can be your friend and order what you are a custom and have delivery to destination. Then regardless of option, gift to your host or random person (hotel clerk, restaurant worker, etc when departing.

Classic, Spartan, Climber are my chooses traveling in this fashion. Not having a tool is the most certain reason you will find that you will need one.   Surprisingly the CORKSCREW, is the 2nd needed item when I travel, surprised by number of host that do not have a function CS.  The 1st is always the knife…

Safe travels, enjoy making memories!
If I start and end the day above ground, it is a good day!

Hope yours is as good!

A SMART man always knows what to say!
   A WISE man knows whether or not to say it!!!

us Offline Barry Rowland

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Re: Our obsession and the real world.
Reply #6 on: September 16, 2024, 12:15:43 AM
 :iagree: :like:

us Offline Farmer X

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Re: Our obsession and the real world.
Reply #7 on: September 16, 2024, 03:33:34 AM
Wishing you safe travels and many amazing adventures, and do check in from time to time! :cheers:
USN 2000-2006

Culling of the knife and multi herds in progress...

If I pay five figures for something, it better have wings or a foundation!

no Offline aicolainen

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Re: Our obsession and the real world.
Reply #8 on: September 16, 2024, 04:49:52 PM
happy trails, cbl51.

I'm also planning to cut down my knife collection (and other collections) quite significantly, I just haven't found the right knife for the job yet  :dunno:

No, seriously, I will thin the herd. I've had enough knives to know what I prefer for different tasks and activities, so there's no reason to hang on to the ones that didn't quite make it. But I do in fact use my knife significantly more often than any other hand tool, so I'm not quite ready to get ridd of dedicated knives altogether.

Finding the right balance of what tools to carry vs the environment we exist in is a never ending endeavor, but I agree it's not the most important endeavor in life and shouldn't distract us from the important stuff or inflict inhibiting opportunity cost.

I used to have a rule of thumb that a tool should save me time, frustration and make my life less complicated.
If I'm researching a tool for 10 hours, maybe order a couple and use a few hours on pick ups and returns and maybe spend some time modding it and/or adapting it to my use (sheaths, reprofiling etc.), it has to be a beast of a tools to end up saving me time (and frustration).
And this is where stuff quickly gets complicated as well. When a certain amount of time and money is invested in a tool, this comes with a kind of attachement - and attachment to tools are a liability. Case in point; a $5 Mora most people will use for any task that comes up, or lending it out to anyone that asks, with a $300+ limited edition unobtanium that you've spent hours to acquire/mod/tune etc. - using it as a proper tool gets a lot harder for most people with a normal paycheck.
When the tool(s) become a hobby these types of rules become more of a guideline than a hard rule, but it's still useful to keep in mind.

nz Offline Storm

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Re: Our obsession and the real world.
Reply #9 on: January 07, 2025, 09:24:10 AM
I'd wish you all the best , but I think you're already well aware you have it with Karen and family and the Classic to accompany you. You've always been an inspiration to me(as well as many others here and on other forums), and you still are.
Vaya con dios amigo.
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are "

pt Offline pfrsantos

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Re: Our obsession and the real world.
Reply #10 on: January 09, 2025, 02:41:04 PM
Hope you enjoy every day and find happiness in everything you do. It's great to know you've found what you want from life and that you're able to pursue it.

I awlways loved your posts. At least, we'll have them around to remind us of you. If/when you want to drop by and let us know you're OK, we're here for you, as awlways.

Awl the best to you, Carl!

 :cheers: :tu: :salute: :hatsoff:
It is just a matter of time before they add the word “Syndrome” after my last name.


I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous.

Eff the ineffable, scrut the inscrutable.


au Offline Huntsman

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Re: Our obsession and the real world.
Reply #11 on: January 14, 2025, 01:32:54 AM
Hey CBL - This sounds like a farewell - Or at least a: 'I may be gone sometime!!'

May sure you check in from time to time!!

@ aicolainen - Interesting musings !!



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