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Venting and thinking about Urban Survival Kit/videos

comis · 147 · 9221

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Re: Venting and thinking about Urban Survival Kit/videos
Reply #120 on: December 13, 2020, 01:17:35 AM
Going back to the why comis began this thread its interesting how the pandemic changed a lot.  All the panic buying of food and of all things toilet paper  :facepalm:.  I mentioned what about those bags with lots of amazing gear?  Did anyone bug out to their secret location stocked with supplies?  I don't want to come off snarky but I bet not.  They like many of us stayed in.   

Just some real world observations on this very thing, my country is small so i would imagine it will probably be different in large countries but when the lockdowns started early on in the season the advice was to stay at home, I live and work in a national park and i saw more and more people every day arriving here, every car park, lay by and beauty spot was rammed full of caravans, mobile homes and tents, squeezed in like sardines many from hundreds of miles away, Ok some of them were off work so were treating it like a holiday but many more were bugging out.

Fine, bug out if you must but i see no point trying to run away from a Virus, i wonder how many realised we had like 10 IC beds in a huge area and the nearest hospital was many miles away, the number of hospital beds are based on the full time residency of that region, if lucky a few extra, the local shops were already struggling for supplies and when you add a few hundred more people to a small village store there is going to be a degree of animosity, when there was no bread in the shop they were shouting at the assistants and accusing them of hoarding bread to keep for the locals, it was all pretty nasty at times, these people should not have been here, not morally and not legally, there was a travel ban and yes the Police started stopping people to turn them around.

The ferry operators were quick in noticing what was going on, everyone piling onto the islands to escape, they closed the ferries to non residents, so what now if the plan was to go to a remote island to bug out?

My advice if you plan to bug out now is to go somewhere quiet and be self contained, the thing is to do your travelling before the law says you cant and i will say it again, be self contained, have your own supplies and keep your head down, preferably stay on your own land or a friends but remember your secret little forestry commission car park that's miles from anywhere and has loads of space with beautiful views you saw on your last holiday? well 100,000 other people know it's there too, it's at this point the police take an interest.

Wherever they end up they have to realise the people that live there don't want them there, the people that own the land don't want them there, the police don't want them there, the shop keepers, nurses, doctors don't want them there,you can hide here but not for weeks, go home and stay there, i would much rather be at home than waiting on that blue light and a knock on the caravan door at 2am, then handed a 1K fine.

Like i said it's probably OK  in a huge country and you will get away with it but you get a small piece of land with too many people jammed in that shouldn't be there, it's asking for trouble. The Sardines jammed into the parks? they were shooed off by the police and sent home so if anyone's plan is to bug out in your camper then you may need to rethink that  :think:

Obviously this is Virus related and once this is all over we really would love to see everyone back, just not in the middle of a pandemic, makes sense don't you think. In a real shtf scenario like social breakdown things would be different, just be wary of the locals because you know, they don't want you in their back yard  :whistle:
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Re: Venting and thinking about Urban Survival Kit/videos
Reply #121 on: December 13, 2020, 01:54:50 AM
 :like: :tu:

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Re: Venting and thinking about Urban Survival Kit/videos
Reply #122 on: December 13, 2020, 02:29:42 AM
Just some real world observations on this very thing, my country is small so i would imagine it will probably be different in large countries but when the lockdowns started early on in the season the advice was to stay at home, I live and work in a national park and i saw more and more people every day arriving here, every car park, lay by and beauty spot was rammed full of caravans, mobile homes and tents, squeezed in like sardines many from hundreds of miles away, Ok some of them were off work so were treating it like a holiday but many more were bugging out.

Fine, bug out if you must but i see no point trying to run away from a Virus, i wonder how many realised we had like 10 IC beds in a huge area and the nearest hospital was many miles away, the number of hospital beds are based on the full time residency of that region, if lucky a few extra, the local shops were already struggling for supplies and when you add a few hundred more people to a small village store there is going to be a degree of animosity, when there was no bread in the shop they were shouting at the assistants and accusing them of hoarding bread to keep for the locals, it was all pretty nasty at times, these people should not have been here, not morally and not legally, there was a travel ban and yes the Police started stopping people to turn them around.

The ferry operators were quick in noticing what was going on, everyone piling onto the islands to escape, they closed the ferries to non residents, so what now if the plan was to go to a remote island to bug out?

My advice if you plan to bug out now is to go somewhere quiet and be self contained, the thing is to do your travelling before the law says you cant and i will say it again, be self contained, have your own supplies and keep your head down, preferably stay on your own land or a friends but remember your secret little forestry commission car park that's miles from anywhere and has loads of space with beautiful views you saw on your last holiday? well 100,000 other people know it's there too, it's at this point the police take an interest.

Wherever they end up they have to realise the people that live there don't want them there, the people that own the land don't want them there, the police don't want them there, the shop keepers, nurses, doctors don't want them there,you can hide here but not for weeks, go home and stay there, i would much rather be at home than waiting on that blue light and a knock on the caravan door at 2am, then handed a 1K fine.

Like i said it's probably OK  in a huge country and you will get away with it but you get a small piece of land with too many people jammed in that shouldn't be there, it's asking for trouble. The Sardines jammed into the parks? they were shooed off by the police and sent home so if anyone's plan is to bug out in your camper then you may need to rethink that  :think:

Obviously this is Virus related and once this is all over we really would love to see everyone back, just not in the middle of a pandemic, makes sense don't you think. In a real shtf scenario like social breakdown things would be different, just be wary of the locals because you know, they don't want you in their back yard  :whistle:

This is a very real point that even affects large countries like the US, and I fear that what you have noticed isn't even considered in some parts of this country.  Years ago, I worked in a town that had managed to expand its population five-fold over a number of years... or so they said...  But anyway.  it was quite obvious that the town was lacking in some basic conveniences like gas stations.   The joke (which probably isn't funny right about now) is that if any of us got injured on the job that our co-workers work "roll us into the next town before calling an ambulance"  because it was so small and understaffed. 

And small world that it is, a full decade after working there, I had a job interview 400 miles away.  The person interviewing me saw the old job on my resume, with the old town indicated.  Turns out, her father lived in the giant high rise apartment building on the main road in that town before he died in that tiny local hospital... This monstrosity of an apartment was so tall, I knew exactly the one she was talking about a decade after having seen it. 

Anyway... Point is... Even bigger countries have regional problems with capacity as not everything was fully thought through as it was done.  Not every town has a trained urban planner on the board to help with development. 

Sheltering in place should be Plan A most of the time. 

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Re: Venting and thinking about Urban Survival Kit/videos
Reply #123 on: December 13, 2020, 06:26:14 AM
 :tu:  Stay home is a great idea. 
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wales Offline GearedForwards

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Re: Venting and thinking about Urban Survival Kit/videos
Reply #124 on: December 13, 2020, 06:38:42 AM
It's where all my stuff is  :dunno:

The furthest for this is a car kit and a car edc, living in the UK I'm not far from things to begin with. However on particularly snowy years (few and far between) having to leave a car on the road and just walk the rest of the way up the village has happened before. In that case some handwarmers and a torch is pretty damn nice.
Check out my Youtube channel  for gear reviews, comparisons, and carry philosophy.

Love belt carry? Consider doing the Batman Challenge!

au Offline Echotech

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Venting and thinking about Urban Survival Kit/videos
Reply #125 on: December 13, 2020, 07:13:43 AM
Just some real world observations on this very thing, my country is small so i would imagine it will probably be different in large countries but when the lockdowns started early on in the season the advice was to stay at home, I live and work in a national park and i saw more and more people every day arriving here, every car park, lay by and beauty spot was rammed full of caravans, mobile homes and tents, squeezed in like sardines many from hundreds of miles away, Ok some of them were off work so were treating it like a holiday but many more were bugging out.

Fine, bug out if you must but i see no point trying to run away from a Virus, i wonder how many realised we had like 10 IC beds in a huge area and the nearest hospital was many miles away, the number of hospital beds are based on the full time residency of that region, if lucky a few extra, the local shops were already struggling for supplies and when you add a few hundred more people to a small village store there is going to be a degree of animosity, when there was no bread in the shop they were shouting at the assistants and accusing them of hoarding bread to keep for the locals, it was all pretty nasty at times, these people should not have been here, not morally and not legally, there was a travel ban and yes the Police started stopping people to turn them around.

The ferry operators were quick in noticing what was going on, everyone piling onto the islands to escape, they closed the ferries to non residents, so what now if the plan was to go to a remote island to bug out?

My advice if you plan to bug out now is to go somewhere quiet and be self contained, the thing is to do your travelling before the law says you cant and i will say it again, be self contained, have your own supplies and keep your head down, preferably stay on your own land or a friends but remember your secret little forestry commission car park that's miles from anywhere and has loads of space with beautiful views you saw on your last holiday? well 100,000 other people know it's there too, it's at this point the police take an interest.

Wherever they end up they have to realise the people that live there don't want them there, the people that own the land don't want them there, the police don't want them there, the shop keepers, nurses, doctors don't want them there,you can hide here but not for weeks, go home and stay there, i would much rather be at home than waiting on that blue light and a knock on the caravan door at 2am, then handed a 1K fine.

Like i said it's probably OK  in a huge country and you will get away with it but you get a small piece of land with too many people jammed in that shouldn't be there, it's asking for trouble. The Sardines jammed into the parks? they were shooed off by the police and sent home so if anyone's plan is to bug out in your camper then you may need to rethink that  :think:

Obviously this is Virus related and once this is all over we really would love to see everyone back, just not in the middle of a pandemic, makes sense don't you think. In a real shtf scenario like social breakdown things would be different, just be wary of the locals because you know, they don't want you in their back yard  :whistle:

:iagree: with all of you

We had a similar thing here in Australia, all the points you make were just as valid here. When the virus hit a lot of people in the big cities, like Sydney where I live, thought it’d be a great idea to move to their holiday homes (those fortunate enough to own one).
Suddenly these small coastal towns with very small hospitals and resources were heaving with people from the cities but didn’t have the facilities to cope.

They understandably didn’t much like the idea of people with the potential to actually spread the virus suddenly arriving in these remote(ish) places, buying up all the groceries etc (remember the great toilet paper panic buying) leaving nothing for the locals, especially with roads blocked off so couldn’t resupply etc.

There were a few angry scenes and signs saying “smurf back off to Sydney you’re not welcome here“ strung from bridges on the freeways.

Totally agree it’s always best to bug in if you can, bugging out should be a last resort. We really get massive environmental scares here, obviously the bush fires of last summer, then you don’t have an option. Currently northern NSW and southern QLD are experiencing very bad flooding (actually a bigger issue in Australia than fires), we’re talking areas bigger than small European countries. The fires outside Sydney last summer covered an area the size of Belgium for perspective. The last thing you need is people not in harms way clogging the roads and using up the finite resources of those that actually need them

Everyone knows Australia is a big place (same for USA, Canada, Russia, China, Brazil etc) but it’s not until you actually fly/drive across it or whatever you see what that really means, maps like this always fascinate me so although a bit off topic thought these might be of interest

« Last Edit: December 13, 2020, 07:28:32 AM by Echotech »

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Re: Venting and thinking about Urban Survival Kit/videos
Reply #126 on: December 13, 2020, 07:23:06 AM
Just some real world observations on this very thing, my country is small so i would imagine it will probably be different in large countries but when the lockdowns started early on in the season the advice was to stay at home, I live and work in a national park and i saw more and more people every day arriving here, every car park, lay by and beauty spot was rammed full of caravans, mobile homes and tents, squeezed in like sardines many from hundreds of miles away, Ok some of them were off work so were treating it like a holiday but many more were bugging out.

Fine, bug out if you must but i see no point trying to run away from a Virus, i wonder how many realised we had like 10 IC beds in a huge area and the nearest hospital was many miles away, the number of hospital beds are based on the full time residency of that region, if lucky a few extra, the local shops were already struggling for supplies and when you add a few hundred more people to a small village store there is going to be a degree of animosity, when there was no bread in the shop they were shouting at the assistants and accusing them of hoarding bread to keep for the locals, it was all pretty nasty at times, these people should not have been here, not morally and not legally, there was a travel ban and yes the Police started stopping people to turn them around.

The ferry operators were quick in noticing what was going on, everyone piling onto the islands to escape, they closed the ferries to non residents, so what now if the plan was to go to a remote island to bug out?

My advice if you plan to bug out now is to go somewhere quiet and be self contained, the thing is to do your travelling before the law says you cant and i will say it again, be self contained, have your own supplies and keep your head down, preferably stay on your own land or a friends but remember your secret little forestry commission car park that's miles from anywhere and has loads of space with beautiful views you saw on your last holiday? well 100,000 other people know it's there too, it's at this point the police take an interest.

Wherever they end up they have to realise the people that live there don't want them there, the people that own the land don't want them there, the police don't want them there, the shop keepers, nurses, doctors don't want them there,you can hide here but not for weeks, go home and stay there, i would much rather be at home than waiting on that blue light and a knock on the caravan door at 2am, then handed a 1K fine.

Like i said it's probably OK  in a huge country and you will get away with it but you get a small piece of land with too many people jammed in that shouldn't be there, it's asking for trouble. The Sardines jammed into the parks? they were shooed off by the police and sent home so if anyone's plan is to bug out in your camper then you may need to rethink that  :think:

Obviously this is Virus related and once this is all over we really would love to see everyone back, just not in the middle of a pandemic, makes sense don't you think. In a real shtf scenario like social breakdown things would be different, just be wary of the locals because you know, they don't want you in their back yard  :whistle:

Great post! 

Kinda reminded me earlier this year, many were not taking the work-from-home plan seriously, and treating them as if it was free holiday--a group of co-workers went on a hike together and were dumb enough to even post it on social media.  It quickly caught on by their bosses and were penalized accordingly.

I sure hope the press will report the incident happening in your town, and educate the public about how to plan in the pandemic.  Panic hoarding is bad enough, unplanned or poor 'bug out' plan could be way worse.

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Re: Venting and thinking about Urban Survival Kit/videos
Reply #127 on: December 13, 2020, 10:55:03 AM
:iagree: with all of you

We had a similar thing here in Australia, all the points you make were just as valid here. When the virus hit a lot of people in the big cities, like Sydney where I live, thought it’d be a great idea to move to their holiday homes (those fortunate enough to own one).
Suddenly these small coastal towns with very small hospitals and resources were heaving with people from the cities but didn’t have the facilities to cope.

They understandably didn’t much like the idea of people with the potential to actually spread the virus suddenly arriving in these remote(ish) places, buying up all the groceries etc (remember the great toilet paper panic buying) leaving nothing for the locals, especially with roads blocked off so couldn’t resupply etc.

There were a few angry scenes and signs saying “smurf back off to Sydney you’re not welcome here“ strung from bridges on the freeways.

Totally agree it’s always best to bug in if you can, bugging out should be a last resort. We really get massive environmental scares here, obviously the bush fires of last summer, then you don’t have an option. Currently northern NSW and southern QLD are experiencing very bad flooding (actually a bigger issue in Australia than fires), we’re talking areas bigger than small European countries. The fires outside Sydney last summer covered an area the size of Belgium for perspective. The last thing you need is people not in harms way clogging the roads and using up the finite resources of those that actually need them

Everyone knows Australia is a big place (same for USA, Canada, Russia, China, Brazil etc) but it’s not until you actually fly/drive across it or whatever you see what that really means, maps like this always fascinate me so although a bit off topic thought these might be of interest

(Image removed from quote.)
(Image removed from quote.)

Wait a minute...

Did you just call us small?

Oh, it's on!

Show content

Our entire Army will land in the West and from there on split up and each will follow the route shown on the Invasion plan, we expect to have total control in 48 hours or less.

Edit:  Peter just called in sick, so the Invasion of Tasmania has been called off... The other 10 will stick to the plan.

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Re: Venting and thinking about Urban Survival Kit/videos
Reply #128 on: December 13, 2020, 11:22:17 AM
Wait a minute...

Did you just call us small?

Oh, it's on!

Show content

Our entire Army will land in the West and from there on split up and each will follow the route shown on the Invasion plan, we expect to have total control in 48 hours or less.

Edit:  Peter just called in sick, so the Invasion of Tasmania has been called off... The other 10 will stick to the plan.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

…backing away slowly, my sincerest apologies to you TG24 and your noble army

See you decided on the scenic route from the west, this will give us time to prepare the sacred amber nectar for your arrival

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Re: Venting and thinking about Urban Survival Kit/videos
Reply #129 on: December 13, 2020, 01:54:30 PM
Wait a minute...

Did you just call us small?

Oh, it's on!

Show content

Our entire Army will land in the West and from there on split up and each will follow the route shown on the Invasion plan, we expect to have total control in 48 hours or less.

Edit:  Peter just called in sick, so the Invasion of Tasmania has been called off... The other 10 will stick to the plan.

 :rofl: :rofl:

Be excellent to each other and always know where your towel is.

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Re: Venting and thinking about Urban Survival Kit/videos
Reply #130 on: December 13, 2020, 04:39:12 PM
Interesting that the larger countries had the same issues, i just figured you had more space so more people could come without it being a burden on the rest but i guess everywhere has its limits  :tu:

That invasion plan is pretty genius really, like kicking in the back door while everyone is in the front room watching out the window, i'm willing to bet nobody even checked if the back door was even locked  :D I knew Australia was massive but surprised Scotland would fit inside Cape York peninsula alone  :o
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Re: Venting and thinking about Urban Survival Kit/videos
Reply #131 on: December 13, 2020, 05:20:40 PM
Interesting that the larger countries had the same issues, i just figured you had more space so more people could come without it being a burden on the rest but i guess everywhere has its limits  :tu:

That invasion plan is pretty genius really, like kicking in the back door while everyone is in the front room watching out the window, i'm willing to bet nobody even checked if the back door was even locked  :D I knew Australia was massive but surprised Scotland would fit inside Cape York peninsula alone  :o

Indeed, even people in the US don't realize that.  Echotechs post about the groceries hit's home  :mn:  Many in the US will have heard of the "mass exodus" from the cities this year.  Empty shelves in the grocery stores, local hospitals filled to the brim.

This was the disaster that we were preparing for over the last few decades....  :-\

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Re: Venting and thinking about Urban Survival Kit/videos
Reply #132 on: April 26, 2021, 10:24:14 AM
Watched a Video yesterday evening, doensnt matter wich one.

There is a dude teaching you about signaling and bright colors for rescuing. While he wears camo/tan clothes and a dark green backpack.  :facepalm:

I have no clue why so many hikers are obsessed with tactical clothes or why so many outdoor manufacturers make their stuff in black/green/grey?
When I buy clothing/equipment eg for mointaineering I choose yellow/orange/red or a contrast of red and light blue.

The first mistake you make when heading out for a tour is done in the shopping cart and then again when dressing up.

If you see me in the mountains, I look like a parrot.  :whistle:
Blue trousers, signal-orange rain jacket, red backpack, yellow helmet.

wales Offline GearedForwards

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Re: Venting and thinking about Urban Survival Kit/videos
Reply #133 on: May 02, 2021, 08:47:04 AM
Watched a Video yesterday evening, doensnt matter wich one.

There is a dude teaching you about signaling and bright colors for rescuing. While he wears camo/tan clothes and a dark green backpack.  :facepalm:

I have no clue why so many hikers are obsessed with tactical clothes or why so many outdoor manufacturers make their stuff in black/green/grey?
When I buy clothing/equipment eg for mointaineering I choose yellow/orange/red or a contrast of red and light blue.

The first mistake you make when heading out for a tour is done in the shopping cart and then again when dressing up.

If you see me in the mountains, I look like a parrot.  :whistle:
Blue trousers, signal-orange rain jacket, red backpack, yellow helmet.

I'd assume marketing reasons, a lot fo the time 'outdoor' type clothing will probably see use in urban situations and the safety colours in that context are a bold fashion choice  :rofl:

I know I fall into that category: my walking shoes see the most use in winter because they have the best treads for snow/ice of my footwear. When I lose enough weight I want some walking style trousers so I can have decent quality trousers with gear friendly pockets  :dunno:
Check out my Youtube channel  for gear reviews, comparisons, and carry philosophy.

Love belt carry? Consider doing the Batman Challenge!

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Re: Venting and thinking about Urban Survival Kit/videos
Reply #134 on: May 02, 2021, 04:43:00 PM
Watched a Video yesterday evening, doensnt matter wich one.

There is a dude teaching you about signaling and bright colors for rescuing. While he wears camo/tan clothes and a dark green backpack.  :facepalm:

I have no clue why so many hikers are obsessed with tactical clothes or why so many outdoor manufacturers make their stuff in black/green/grey?
When I buy clothing/equipment eg for mointaineering I choose yellow/orange/red or a contrast of red and light blue.

The first mistake you make when heading out for a tour is done in the shopping cart and then again when dressing up.

If you see me in the mountains, I look like a parrot.  :whistle:
Blue trousers, signal-orange rain jacket, red backpack, yellow helmet.

Guilty as charged.  A few years ago I bought a "camp shirt"... if you will.....  durability over comfort, two front pockets, et cetera, et cetera..  The color options were camo and camo, but the price was right  :facepalm: needless to say, I got the camp one.  I still wear it. 

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Re: Venting and thinking about Urban Survival Kit/videos
Reply #135 on: May 02, 2021, 06:01:27 PM
Watched a Video yesterday evening, doensnt matter wich one.

There is a dude teaching you about signaling and bright colors for rescuing. While he wears camo/tan clothes and a dark green backpack.  :facepalm:

I have no clue why so many hikers are obsessed with tactical clothes or why so many outdoor manufacturers make their stuff in black/green/grey?
When I buy clothing/equipment eg for mointaineering I choose yellow/orange/red or a contrast of red and light blue.

The first mistake you make when heading out for a tour is done in the shopping cart and then again when dressing up.

If you see me in the mountains, I look like a parrot.  :whistle:
Blue trousers, signal-orange rain jacket, red backpack, yellow helmet.

Some people want camo gear for hunting, which makes sense.  Personally though, I also prefer brightly colored gear, as it is easier to find/harder to forget if set down or dropped, and of course makes it easier for others to find you.

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Re: Venting and thinking about Urban Survival Kit/videos
Reply #136 on: May 02, 2021, 06:45:53 PM
Some people want camo gear for hunting, which makes sense.  Personally though, I also prefer brightly colored gear, as it is easier to find/harder to forget if set down or dropped, and of course makes it easier for others to find you.


I always say that about the Leatherman Juice and the red Victorinox scales... same goes for other gear like flashlights, those elusive little camp pillows, and such.

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Re: Venting and thinking about Urban Survival Kit/videos
Reply #137 on: May 03, 2021, 08:13:16 AM
Some people want camo gear for hunting, which makes sense.  Personally though, I also prefer brightly colored gear, as it is easier to find/harder to forget if set down or dropped, and of course makes it easier for others to find you.
Hunters here wear orange, as apparently deer cannot see that.
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scotland Offline Sea Monster

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Re: Venting and thinking about Urban Survival Kit/videos
Reply #138 on: May 03, 2021, 10:12:40 AM
Your invasion plan manages to miss every capital city, so there's a good chance you could complete it and no one would even notice.

On the subject of bugging out and floods - Take it from my recent experience. Don't assume you'll have a car.

The sedan was completely submerged by the time the evacuation notice came through the emergency services app. The water can rise faster than you can unplug everything and find your good boots...

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Re: Venting and thinking about Urban Survival Kit/videos
Reply #139 on: May 03, 2021, 12:34:34 PM
I wear bright orange when hunting...
It does not seem to affect my hunting and I would rather miss a bird than have someone shoot me accidentally
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Re: Venting and thinking about Urban Survival Kit/videos
Reply #140 on: May 03, 2021, 12:44:58 PM
I believe there are some survivalist/prepper types who fantasize about the collapse of society and being in a situation where they must survive using their skills (and wear camouflage).

There, I said it.

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Re: Venting and thinking about Urban Survival Kit/videos
Reply #141 on: May 03, 2021, 01:49:56 PM
Nothing wrong with dark colors or camo stuff.
Have some myself when heading to the wood chilling and watching wildlife.

In the mountains Ive seen people literally disappear less than 50m from me in bad visibility.
Clouds, rain, snow, whiteout...happen in late summer every month.
When your outfit doesnt stand out even in sunny weather dont think anyone will spot you when SHTF.

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Re: Venting and thinking about Urban Survival Kit/videos
Reply #142 on: May 03, 2021, 01:50:58 PM
I believe there are some survivalist/prepper types who fantasize about the collapse of society and being in a situation where they must survive using their skills (and wear camouflage).

There, I said it.


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Re: Venting and thinking about Urban Survival Kit/videos
Reply #143 on: May 03, 2021, 06:23:20 PM
I believe there are some survivalist/prepper types who fantasize about the collapse of society and being in a situation where they must survive using their skills (and wear camouflage).

There, I said it.

 ::)  Yeah, its a thing for sure.   
Esse Quam Videri

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Re: Venting and thinking about Urban Survival Kit/videos
Reply #144 on: May 03, 2021, 06:26:08 PM
Nothing wrong with dark colors or camo stuff.
Have some myself when heading to the wood chilling and watching wildlife.

In the mountains Ive seen people literally disappear less than 50m from me in bad visibility.
Clouds, rain, snow, whiteout...happen in late summer every month.
When your outfit doesnt stand out even in sunny weather dont think anyone will spot you when SHTF.

I don't wear bright colors per se but my pack is Orange and I have a large dayglo micro fiber cloth in my pack. 
Esse Quam Videri

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Re: Venting and thinking about Urban Survival Kit/videos
Reply #145 on: May 05, 2021, 12:05:46 AM
Hunters here wear orange, as apparently deer cannot see that.

I wear bright orange when hunting...
It does not seem to affect my hunting and I would rather miss a bird than have someone shoot me accidentally

Here's a pretty good article covering what some common game animals can and cannot see.

TL;DR version:  The value of camo when hunting is highly dependent on type of game, as well as means and methods of hunting.

be Offline Top-Gear-24

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Re: Venting and thinking about Urban Survival Kit/videos
Reply #146 on: May 05, 2021, 10:55:30 AM
If you see me in the mountains, I look like a parrot.  :whistle:
Blue trousers, signal-orange rain jacket, red backpack, yellow helmet.

Ah, that was you...  :waving:

But you are very right,  I must confess that, in the past, I also bought olive drab or brown coloured clothing to go outdoors.   

But for a couple of years now I've been buying more colourful clothing, be it mostly upper body stuff (since I still prefer olive drab/brown hiking trousers, since they don't show dirt from sitting on the ground as much as the more colourful ones).



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