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[CLOSED] In the spirit of giving and the 8th MT.O anniversary,here's another GAW

Rux · 57 · 4522

us Offline Rux

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Hi all!  :D

In the spirit of giving, I've decided to do my own giveaway. After winning one, I was already tempted to do one and seeing papercut's turnabout is fairplay giveaway, I've decided to join in on the fun.  :woohoo:

As some may know, I stumbled across a deal on some Stainless Steel Needlenose Gerber MP600's a while back.

So here is one and up for a giveaway!

All members of the forum in good standing with a minimum of 100 posts who have not won an 8th Anniversary MT.O giveaway may participate and win.

How do I enter you wonder?


Post the biggest/funniest/craziest jam you were ever in that your MT got you out of.

Winner will be picked by, I'm mainly looking forward to the good stories.

My story:

Picked up a Wave with a BassPro gift card. A friend was mocking me for wearing it on my hip in the sheath, tools aren't that far away, blah blah blah.

Fast forward a few weeks and I'm at my friends house babysitting his 4 year old son who is a HELLION!

In their bathroom, the door lock was on the outside. Their dog wasn't completely housebroken so they kept in the bathroom when no one was home. They had the lever style door handles, and the dog could jump up and unlock the door.

Here I am in this house with the 4 year old. I go to the bathroom, the kid locks me in the bathroom.

I bang on the door as I hear him cackling and snickering, trying to convince him to let me out. Then I heard silence as he obviously left me to rot.

What will I do?

It dawned on me I had the Wave on my hip (was still so new to carrying it on my persons instead of my old PST in a backpack, I nearly forgot I had it). I disassembled the doorknob and got myself out of there in time to find him in his parents bedroom toilet papering around the furniture and master bedroom. The look on his face when I walked in was priceless. He immediately started yelling "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'll stop! I'll stop!" and when I stepped forward into the room he tells me "Now now, that's enough!"

Where do these kids get it from?  :think:

Anyway, good luck all and have fun! Contest is open until next Friday July 25th!  :D

EDIT: To keep things simple for me, when you make your post with your story, post the number you are to post your story. If you're the first to post your story, you're number 1, second is number 2, etc. Please copy+paste the list with each post. I will do my best to keep it clean and sort it as this thread progresses!
« Last Edit: August 01, 2014, 01:39:04 AM by enki_ck »

ca Offline derekmac

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This is awesome Wild!!  Good luck to everyone!! :cheers:

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us Offline detron

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this is very nice of you WildJ3, it is so nice to see other people experience the joy of holing your own give away.  it is more rewarding than winning a GAW.

I am not entering, but I will share a story anyway.

when I was out with a friend just walking through a forest preserve, we decided to stop for a quick lunch at a opening near a small pond.
he had his tools and cans of food  in a tacle/tool box.

his wife zip tied the takcle box closed to keep it from falling open   WITH HIS MT INSIDE    :facepalm:

luckily, I had   ....  well you know TOO many tools,  but I was able to vanquish the zip tie so he could get to his tool and the food.

he learned to keep the MT on his person that day.

If I can help, let me know 

ro Offline Corwyn

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Thank you very much for the chance, WildJ3. I really, really want a flicky plier.

Story 2:

Short story.. fun/dumb story.

I was on a trip to Amsterdam. As I was staying in a shared room, I put a lock on my bag, just to make sure and.. of course I lost the key.. thieves couldn't get at it, but neither could I.

Leatherman Supertool file to the rescue:

Corwyn of Multitool, the First of His name, King of Victorinox, King of Leatherman, Gerber and the First Generation SOG, Lord of the Seven Wrenches, Protector of the Forum, Khal of the Bushes, called Corwyn Toolborn, the Unsharpened, Father of SAKs.

ch Offline Etherealicer

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Thanks for the chance :salute:

Story 3: DualPro steps up / Technically it was not me in the jam
So I was at my friends wedding, the caterer had set up the dessert buffet and left for the night. When the newly weds wanted to cut the traditional cake they had to realize that there was no knife :ahhh (considering that during the dinner, there was no cutlery at first, that was not so surprising). Anyway, my Dual Pro got the honor and sliced the cake :salute:.
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au Offline PTRSAK

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Okay, I'll give this one a crack.

and I think the list was supposed to go like this...

Story 2 - Corwyn
Story 3 - Etherealicer
Story 4 - PTRSAK

Once upon a time...
We were out west, nearly a thousand km inland from Brisbane as the crow flies and in the middle of a property doing some pig shooting.
It was our first time on this station and we got a little "locationally challenged".  We weren't lost... honest.
Anyway, we ended up on the wrong side of a fence and it would have been several km's in the wrong direction to the nearest gate. (The property is a small one, 10km x 30km or about 74000 acres)

Luckily the fence was a few years old and the wire slack enough that we could cut the bottom wire to drag the bikes under and were able to find a short length of excess fencing wire to repair where I had cut the wire with my LM Supertool.
We made it back to camp, drank beer and all lived happily ever after. Except for some of the pigs.

Not the exact fence (there's a gate here) but one in similar condition

* fence.jpg (Filesize: 143.9 KB)
« Last Edit: July 17, 2014, 01:26:50 PM by PTRSAK »

ca Offline Grant Lamontagne

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I don't want to enter the contest but I have a funny story to share so I'll just join the fun.

My old dog Pete was indestructible.  He was one of those breeds that didn't feel pain, so after playing Frisbee at the local park I'd always have to check him for thorns and other things embedded into his skin. I had found some that were a quarter of an inch long, buried all the way into him and he never seemed to notice!

One particular day I was checking him over and I noticed he had a thorn somehow rammed up inside his nose!  It was almost a quarter of an inch in- I have no idea how I even spotted it but I did.  Of course digging it out with my fingernails wasn't going to happen so out came my trusty SAK (I don't remember which model- this was about ten years ago) pulled out the tweezers, flipped him on his back, sat on his chest, held his muzzle in one hand and began carefully attempting to pick my dog's nose!

He wasn't thrilled with the plan but I had no choice, and I was eventually successful!


Sent from my smurfing hunk of techno sorcery

Leave the dents as they are- let your belongings show their scars as proudly as you do yours.

gb Offline AimlessWanderer

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Nice giveaway WildJ3  :hatsoff:

I too have had the locked in the bathroom scenario. Visited some friends of mine who usually have a couple of jobs they want me to look at while I'm there anyway ;) He's a stroke victim, and she has her hands full with that, so the odd jobs were often sat waiting for the right friend to turn up.

Anyway, I nipped to the bathroom before I left, locked the door and the handle from the catch fell on the floor ... :dwts: ... they heard me trying to get back out again afterwards and a voice from outside simply said "oh yeah, it's broken - good luck with it, it's a nightmare"

Cheers mate! :facepalm:

Luckily I had the Gerber MP426 in my pocket so I quickly managed to unlock the door and let myself out. I then stripped down the whole assembly, figured out the problem and within a minute or two it was fixed for good  :tu: Couldn't bear thinking about one of them getting trapped inside and him being left on his own for any length of time.

The cantankerous but occasionally useful member, formally known as 50ft-trad

gb Offline Philby

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I'll have a bit of that! Nice one, I'm in!

Our herd of cows in work got out of their field, and walked down the main road into the local village. Someone called the police who herded them straight into the village cricket ground :ahhh. Absolutely wrecked the field as it was soft, 10 inch hoof prints all up and down the crease. When we got on the scene, the police were unwilling for us to take them back down the main road. I had my leatherman kick in my pocket, cut the fence surrounding the back of the cricket ground, herded them through the gap, down a quiet lane and back up to their field where the gate was still open. Had to go back to the cricket club that afternoon to staple on some new fence. Awesome pliers and cutters on the kick for such a small tool. :multi:

ch Offline Etherealicer

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Story 02 - Corwyn
Story 03 - Etherealicer
Story 04 - PTRSAK
Story 05 - 50ft-trad
Story 06 - Philby
It wouldn't be the internet without people complaining.

ca Offline Toolslinger

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Story 02 - Corwyn
Story 03 - Etherealicer
Story 04 - PTRSAK
Story 05 - 50ft-trad
Story 06 - Philby
Story 07 - Toolslinger

My story:
Last year, I was driving home from work on the highway and ended up behind a slow moving truck. When I had a safe opening, I initiated a passing maneuver. As I passed the vehicle, suddenly, I hear this incredibly loud rushing air sound. My first thought is 'Did I blow a tire?' but my steering/handling is fine and I see no debris in my mirrors. Second thought, 'Did I blow my AC compressor' as it was hot out and the AC was on, but turning off the AC didn't stop the noise. Third thought, 'My skid plate dropped'. Thankfully, I was close to an off-ramp and was able to get to a parking lot safely. Turns out I was right about it being the skid plate. I had lost one 2 years prior in a similar maneuver. The difference being that this time it was still attached. As I crouch and look under the front of the car, I can see that the skid plate is still attached by two bolts in the back but the bolt on the front is missing the nut (rusted badly and had worked loose). As a result, the plastic clips that help hold it in place couldn't handle the velocity of wind passing it by and had pulled it onto the road (apparently this is a known problem with this configuration of parts). So now I have a half-attached plate and am nowhere near home. Reaching the rear bolts was not an option in my work clothes and with the heat of the engine nearby. I didn't want to tear it off either as it is an expensive piece of plastic to replace. Thankfully, I EDC an MT and have been for over 9 years. That day I had an LM Surge on the belt. I also keep some things like zip-ties and duct tape in my trunk tucked in with my spare tire. Usually these items are forgotten in my day-to-day routine. This time, I remember and grabbed my package of zip-ties. I used the awl on the Surge to create holes in the skid plate and surround to strap the skid plate to the other plastic shielding that it normally clips to. Using the pliers to help feed some of the more awkward ties into place, I then used the cutters to trim the ends (might as well make it look tidy). When I was done, I had used 12 zip-ties (no such thing as overkill and I didn't want to have to do it again before getting home). I put my MT away and resumed my drive. the zip-ties held with no problems (probably better than the original clips and bolt) and I was able to get home without further incident. Once in the garage and the car was cooled off, I used heavier zip-ties and my Surge to refine my initial work and to reinforce the other bolts. The great thing is that it's still zip-tied on and when I get any work done on the car, I just ask them to replace the zip-ties instead of getting new clips and a nut. The other thing I noticed is that despite being pulled over in a parking lot for a car parts store and it being busy, no one asked if everything was OK or if I needed a hand.

This is just one of the situations where my MT has saved the day.

gb Offline Zed

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Thanks for the chance :salute: well recently i used the pliers on my mp600 to bend my chainring back after i got hit by a car  :tu: if it wasnt for slight concusion i could of rode home  :D

us Offline captain spaulding

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Awesome giveaway. I would love to join in.  :tu:

Story 02 - Corwyn
Story 03 - Etherealicer
Story 04 - PTRSAK
Story 05 - 50ft-trad
Story 06 - Philby
Story 07 - Toolslinger
Story 08 - Capt. Spaulding

I don't really have a crazy story I can think of at the moment. Basically just saving the day a few times with my MT. Having a Corkscrew when no one else did or opening a can while out fishing/camping because no one thought to bring a can opener. I wish I had something better to tell you guys. Thank you for the chance!
I'm the milk man!

dk Offline Freaver

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Story 02 - Corwyn
Story 03 - Etherealicer
Story 04 - PTRSAK
Story 05 - 50ft-trad
Story 06 - Philby
Story 07 - Toolslinger
Story 08 - Capt. Spaulding
Story 09 - Freaver

Even though my story isn't nearly as good as some of the others in this thread, I'm in as well.

Last year in December, we had a pretty bad storm here in Denmark. I was at work that day, in a auto parts store and of course we have flagpoles out by the road. Despite the several days of warning, no one had even thought about taking the flags down, and of course the tore loose in the wind.
As luck would have it, the wind direction threw the flag and flagline out onto the road, still attached to the pole. I still don't quite understand why, but despite all the things flying in the air, people were still out driving and it wouldn't exactly be good advertising, if one of our flags caused an accident. Me and a colleague sprinted out the door, to try and salvage the flag; luckily I had a MT in my pocket and while my colleague "caught" the flag and kept it away from the road, I took care of the flagline, with the serrated blade on my MT.
I like to think of that as the day my MT helped avoid an accident, as well as a good reason to never leave home without at least a cutting blade of some sort.

us Offline Rux

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Liking the stories all, keep them coming!

1 - Corwyn
2 - Etherealicer
4 - 50ft-trad
5 - Philby
6 - Toolslinger
7 - Capt. Spaulding
8 - Freaver

Revised list with accurate number placements excluding those not in the contest but wanted to share a story anyway.

us Offline sawman

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I'm going to pass since I already have several of these but I wanted to say what a nice GAW!

Some great stories so far, keep them coming folks :D


00 Offline kirk13

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I'm going to pass since I already have several of these but I wanted to say what a nice GAW!

Some great stories so far, keep them coming folks :D


I'm with Sawman on this one. Great stories,particularly Philby...very impressive Kick :tu:
There is no beginning,or ending,and for this we are thankful,cos now is hard enough to understand!

00 Offline kirk13

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Story 02 - Corwyn
Story 03 - Etherealicer
Story 04 - PTRSAK
Story 05 - 50ft-trad
Story 06 - Philby
Story 07 - Toolslinger
Story 08 - Capt. Spaulding
Story 09 - Freaver

Even though my story isn't nearly as good as some of the others in this thread, I'm in as well.

Last year in December, we had a pretty bad storm here in Denmark. I was at work that day, in a auto parts store and of course we have flagpoles out by the road. Despite the several days of warning, no one had even thought about taking the flags down, and of course the tore loose in the wind.
As luck would have it, the wind direction threw the flag and flagline out onto the road, still attached to the pole. I still don't quite understand why, but despite all the things flying in the air, people were still out driving and it wouldn't exactly be good advertising, if one of our flags caused an accident. Me and a colleague sprinted out the door, to try and salvage the flag; luckily I had a MT in my pocket and while my colleague "caught" the flag and kept it away from the road, I took care of the flagline, with the serrated blade on my MT.
I like to think of that as the day my MT helped avoid an accident, as well as a good reason to never leave home without at least a cutting blade of some sort.

Which MT :pok:
There is no beginning,or ending,and for this we are thankful,cos now is hard enough to understand!

dk Offline Freaver

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True Utility Multimate. But basically everything with a serrated blade would have been fine.

Offline Migripper

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I have less than 100 posts so Im not in the contest but I do have a story.  At a hospital parking lot my father in law locked his keys in his car.  Hospital security unlocked it with a slim jim.  His key fob is broken so he cant lock or unlock the car with the button.  Without thinking about the cars security features he tried to start the car.  It immediately started beeping very very loudly.  Trying to start the car without unlocking the door tripped the alarm.  We couldnt figure out how to turn the alarm off because the fob was broken so I used my Gerber Octane to unhook the battery.  The terminal was covered by a plastic cover that needed a screw and the terminals were so tight I never would have gotten it off by hand.  With the car not beeping anymore we were able to figure it out.

ch Offline Etherealicer

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1 - Corwyn
2 - Etherealicer Poor guy already won a LED Lenser F1
4 - 50ft-trad
5 - Philby
6 - Toolslinger
7 - Capt. Spaulding
8 - Freaver

Holy Smurf, that are some good odds here...
It wouldn't be the internet without people complaining.

no Offline Grathr

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Great giveaway, and thanks for the chance!

Several years ago I got called on my way from work by a colleague who had driven past a bus shed that some of my guys had recently put up that had blown over.
I turned around and drove out to the site and discovered that the shed had blown over and the glass walls had been shattered.
The wind was blowing real hard, but the shed should have taken it. I then discovered that a the second shed was also about to be blown over by the increasing wind. Luckily I had a solid load securing strap in my car and managed to tie it down for the time beeing.
I then dicovered that the guys that had fastened the shed had only used 1/3 of the nessesary bolts to bolt down the shed to the foundation, wich was why the other one had been ruined and this one was about to be.
I cant describe how angry I was when I discovered that.
I called another guy from work who lived nearby who was actually on his day off, but came down in hurry with his son and more bolts and tools when I told him what was about to happen.
To be able to put the shed back in place we had to loosen the strap and bolt it down between the now very powerful gusts of wind. We had to work real fast if we where going to make it.
Just after a powerful gust, we went to work. That was when we discovered that te reason the other guys had not fastened all the bolts was vecause there were some plastic protectors in some of the holes, that they had not bothered to remove. Smurf! This was was anout to get ugly. Then I remembered that my Gerber Crucial was in my pocket. Its needlose pliers removed the plastic covers easily and we managed to bolt the shed down just in time before the next gust of wind came.
I later gave the guys responsible for putting them up the first time a piece of my mind, followed by my boss opinion of their work. Neither work for my company anymore.

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-Knívleysur maður er lívleysur maður.
 "A Knifeless man is a lifeless man" old Faroese proverb.

nz Offline zoidberg

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I can't enter this one but I do want to say thanks to WildJ3 for hosting this giveaway.  :salute:

ro Offline Corwyn

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2 - Etherealicer Poor guy already won a LED Lenser F1

If you don't want that sexy, sexy flashlight, just forward it to me  ::)

Holy Smurf, that are some good odds here...

Ssshhh don't tell the crowd. I'm skipping most GAWs nowadays to keep the chance for the flicky  :P
« Last Edit: July 21, 2014, 01:53:03 PM by Corwyn »
Corwyn of Multitool, the First of His name, King of Victorinox, King of Leatherman, Gerber and the First Generation SOG, Lord of the Seven Wrenches, Protector of the Forum, Khal of the Bushes, called Corwyn Toolborn, the Unsharpened, Father of SAKs.

us Offline Breezy12

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I can't enter this one but I do want to say thanks to WildJ3 for hosting this giveaway.  :salute:

+1... very generous of you, WildJ3! :salute:

not an entry, but here's a story I posted last summer about how my Skeletool CX saved my bacon on the way to work one day. :)

us Offline Rux

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1 - Corwyn
3 - 50ft-trad
4 - Philby
5 - Toolslinger
6 - Capt. Spaulding
7 - Freaver
8 - Grathr

Revised list. You guys are all getting great odds. I should just film myself rolling an 8 sided die if I can find my old one. lol

ro Offline Corwyn

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Corwyn of Multitool, the First of His name, King of Victorinox, King of Leatherman, Gerber and the First Generation SOG, Lord of the Seven Wrenches, Protector of the Forum, Khal of the Bushes, called Corwyn Toolborn, the Unsharpened, Father of SAKs.

ch Offline Etherealicer

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(Image removed from quote.)
I think Corwyn shouldn't be allowed to play, it doesn't look like he is 18 yet. :rofl:
It wouldn't be the internet without people complaining.

pt Offline pfrsantos

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Just for making you go look for a 9-sided die...

Not a very impressive story, but my little Leatherman Style PS was used more than once to open a computer, remove faulty components, straighten out PS2 keyboard connectors and activate/deactivate connections in switches. Some colleagues of mine carry a large case, with lots of pliers, screwdrivers and similar. They always look puzzled when I walk out empty handed and return saying I fixed the problem...

 :D :D :D :D

New list:

1 - Corwyn
3 - 50ft-trad
4 - Philby
5 - Toolslinger
6 - captain spaulding
7 - Freaver
8 - Grathr
9 - pfrsantos

It is just a matter of time before they add the word “Syndrome” after my last name.


I'd give my right arm to be ambidextrous.

Eff the ineffable, scrut the inscrutable.


us Offline Rux

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I think we missed Zed in our list, reading this thread again.

I'll post another revised list when I get to a keyboard. I also need to go back and see exactly where he is in the number placement.

Sorry for the confusion guys!



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