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Solar powered chargers

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Solar powered chargers
on: July 23, 2015, 07:36:21 AM
I have been wanting to get a proper portable solar charger for some time, and yesterday this arrived in my mailbox:

It has two usb outputs, and claims to give a 12W, 5V 1500mAh charge in sunny weather. And the manual say its waterproof.

The plan is to use it with a power bank on longer camping trips and on my wifes parents cabin. Im not sure how well it will work in the winter though.

I tested it for a couple of hours yesterday, and it charged up the cheapo pad (in the pic)my son uses to play games in 1hour and 15 min.
I also tried charging my Iphone with it. It charged it up to 89% before I got a message that the Iphone might not support  it. At this point some clouds had shaded the solar panels, so it might just be that the power got too weak.

The first powerbank tests will start today.
Ill report back after more testing.

In the mean time feel free to show your solar chargers and experience with them here.

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Re: Solar powered chargers
Reply #1 on: July 23, 2015, 07:51:15 AM
 :drool: :drool: :drool:  Very interested in these!!!!  Want to charge AA's and such....

I only have this little Kodak Solar Charger put back in my Emergency bags....does 2 AA at a time.
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* Emergency gear.JPG (Filesize: 178.84 KB)
- Robert

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Re: Solar powered chargers
Reply #2 on: July 23, 2015, 07:59:26 AM

:drool: :drool: :drool:  Very interested in these!!!!  Want to charge AA's and such....

I only have this little Kodak Solar Charger put back in my Emergency bags....does 2 AA at a time.

How well does it work?

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-Knívleysur maður er lívleysur maður.
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Re: Solar powered chargers
Reply #3 on: July 23, 2015, 08:17:54 AM

:drool: :drool: :drool:  Very interested in these!!!!  Want to charge AA's and such....

I only have this little Kodak Solar Charger put back in my Emergency bags....does 2 AA at a time.

How well does it work?

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Bought was packed in a box during the divorce and discovered last year. I put into my bag and ...err, forgot about it due to family health issues (my Dad), in short, I have no idea yet.    :facepalm:

It's so so according to most reviews....really slow.

Been wanting a fold out one for years.
- Robert

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Re: Solar powered chargers
Reply #4 on: July 23, 2015, 08:29:37 AM
  I bought a SunTactics sCharger 8 last winter. Has two independent USB ports, one with an auto-retry that works great with Apple devices.

  Have been pleased with it so far except when the ambient temperatures heat up the devices that are being charged up. That is when it is best to turn the phone off then recharge, or use a rechargeable battery pack when it is much cooler.

  Winter charging did not do as well as Spring & Summer due to clouds, trees, and the sun arcing. Still managed to get things charged, even though the company said not to charge through windows as glass cuts out some of the needed energy from the sun's rays.

  When working in the winter I would charge the phone during lunch breaks and it did rather well, even though it was behind the windshield. Was too windy to leave outside, and not found a neodymium magnet grommet mount set-up yet.

  This should be able to fit in a shoulder bag rather easily. I do recharge with three different rechargeable battery packs, and there is a 10 LED USB light that can plug into the USB ports of the batteries to provide ample light in an emergency situation or when camping.

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Re: Solar powered chargers
Reply #5 on: July 23, 2015, 08:41:42 AM
Nice setup!!!
- Robert

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Re: Solar powered chargers
Reply #6 on: July 23, 2015, 10:18:47 AM

  I bought a SunTactics sCharger 8 last winter. Has two independent USB ports, one with an auto-retry that works great with Apple devices.

(Image removed from quote.)

(Image removed from quote.)

  Have been pleased with it so far except when the ambient temperatures heat up the devices that are being charged up. That is when it is best to turn the phone off then recharge, or use a rechargeable battery pack when it is much cooler.

  Winter charging did not do as well as Spring & Summer due to clouds, trees, and the sun arcing. Still managed to get things charged, even though the company said not to charge through windows as glass cuts out some of the needed energy from the sun's rays.

(Image removed from quote.)

  When working in the winter I would charge the phone during lunch breaks and it did rather well, even though it was behind the windshield. Was too windy to leave outside, and not found a neodymium magnet grommet mount set-up yet.

(Image removed from quote.)

(Image removed from quote.)

  This should be able to fit in a shoulder bag rather easily. I do recharge with three different rechargeable battery packs, and there is a 10 LED USB light that can plug into the USB ports of the batteries to provide ample light in an emergency situation or when camping.

(Image removed from quote.)

That is a very nice setup indeed!

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-Knívleysur maður er lívleysur maður.
 "A Knifeless man is a lifeless man" old Faroese proverb.

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Re: Solar powered chargers
Reply #7 on: July 23, 2015, 10:20:32 AM

:drool: :drool: :drool:  Very interested in these!!!!  Want to charge AA's and such....

I only have this little Kodak Solar Charger put back in my Emergency bags....does 2 AA at a time.

How well does it work?

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Bought was packed in a box during the divorce and discovered last year. I put into my bag and ...err, forgot about it due to family health issues (my Dad), in short, I have no idea yet.    :facepalm:

It's so so according to most reviews....really slow.

Been wanting a fold out one for years.

Sounds like it might be time to give it a test then. ;)

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-Knívleysur maður er lívleysur maður.
 "A Knifeless man is a lifeless man" old Faroese proverb.

ca Offline Grant Lamontagne

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Re: Solar powered chargers
Reply #8 on: July 24, 2015, 12:49:34 PM
I tried one of those cheap battery banks with the solar panel on it a while ago and it didn't last long before crapping out on me, but then I haven't ever had many good experiences with battery banks anyway.

Sun is a rare commodity where I live, so I'm not convinced that a solar charger is much good for me anyway.

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Re: Solar powered chargers
Reply #9 on: July 24, 2015, 12:54:42 PM
Nice! How long does it take to charge in full in the sun ??

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Re: Solar powered chargers
Reply #10 on: July 24, 2015, 01:53:09 PM
I have said most of that before, but since this is a relevant thread..

I have two powerbank chargers, claiming about 1W each, and I think a 30000mAh capacity, possibly 10000 or less in reality.

Now the sun here is bright as **** most of the year.  :ahhh

I can have them charge themselves slowly, but it will take a month. If you leave them in the sun all day then you may charge 1/2 or 1/4 of your phone battery, so in an emergency, at  a sunny place, they are good.

They can also be used to directly charge devices,   that are not too demanding on the input current (older mobile phones etc.), using solar energy. Basically you put the charger in the sun, and connect the device (keep it in a shady place). again, they will charge your device slowly, but they will be better than nothing.
Again, you have to realise that putting the powerbank in direct sunlight will make it very hot, and this could cause problems..

You can also charge the powerbank from the mains, takes half a day, and you have a 1A or 2A or both power source that can charge your phone/device for a few days - combine that with some solar charging and they are not that bad for traveling.

I also have a 5W, 1A, solar panel. This can be used to charge most devices directly, quickly, using the powerful sunlight I get here.

Or, I use it to charge the powerbanks, and use the powerbanks for any late night charging.

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Re: Solar powered chargers
Reply #11 on: July 24, 2015, 02:15:04 PM
@dks, so probably it was one of your posts where I read it could take about a month.

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Re: Solar powered chargers
Reply #12 on: July 24, 2015, 04:03:36 PM
Everything you ever need to know should be in one of my posts!
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Re: Solar powered chargers
Reply #13 on: July 26, 2015, 12:17:46 PM
In sunny weather the panel charged my cheapo 2600mAh powerbank in 2hours.
I managed to drain the 9000mAh waterproof high quality powerbank last night. Its raining outside today but I tried laying out the panels in the winter garden, and it seems to get enough light to charge, so I have started charging the 9000 mAh bank.

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-Knívleysur maður er lívleysur maður.
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Re: Solar powered chargers
Reply #14 on: July 26, 2015, 06:14:10 PM

:drool: :drool: :drool:  Very interested in these!!!!  Want to charge AA's and such....

I only have this little Kodak Solar Charger put back in my Emergency bags....does 2 AA at a time.

How well does it work?

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Bought was packed in a box during the divorce and discovered last year. I put into my bag and ...err, forgot about it due to family health issues (my Dad), in short, I have no idea yet.    :facepalm:

It's so so according to most reviews....really slow.

Been wanting a fold out one for years.

Sounds like it might be time to give it a test then. ;)

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On my to do list.....  :)
- Robert

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Re: Solar powered chargers
Reply #15 on: July 27, 2015, 05:16:45 PM
The panels did not do well in the rainy weather. It failed to charge the 9000 mAh bank to the first level (out of four)
Today the sun was out again for most of the day, and it charged it to full in 9 hours. This should be enough to charge my phone 4-5 times. :tu:

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-Knívleysur maður er lívleysur maður.
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Re: Solar powered chargers
Reply #16 on: August 01, 2015, 11:25:07 AM
Ok, mine arrived today :D

It's supposed to be waterproof, dustproof, basically Niki-proof :D

5000 mAh

Came with a carabiner, cable for charging, manual.

There's a small LED light

The brand is Skywords, I think.

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Re: Solar powered chargers
Reply #17 on: August 01, 2015, 03:52:11 PM
Looks great!!!!  Let us know how you like it!!!! :2tu:
- Robert

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Re: Solar powered chargers
Reply #18 on: August 01, 2015, 04:57:02 PM

Looks great!!!!  Let us know how you like it!!!! :2tu:

+1 :tu:

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-Knívleysur maður er lívleysur maður.
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Re: Solar powered chargers
Reply #19 on: August 01, 2015, 05:30:18 PM
Thanks, guys :D We'll see. As long as it does the job, I don't have any preferences just because that's my very first one ever.

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Re: Solar powered chargers
Reply #20 on: March 30, 2016, 05:59:39 PM

I got a clone of NNR's solar charger. Had it for a few months and started using it this week. Plugged into the wall it works great. I can re-charge my iPhone twice. Have not tried charging under the sun yet. Will try that sometime and give an update. There is an LED light which is not great but a good idea.

Paid $12 at Amazon. For $15 there is a version with a bluetooth shutter button for your camera and for $25 a version with an additional pullout solar panel for faster solar charging. I am cheap so I went for the cheapest  :D

* SolarCharger1.JPG (Filesize: 129.98 KB)
* SolarCharger2.JPG (Filesize: 144.96 KB)

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Re: Solar powered chargers
Reply #21 on: April 07, 2016, 01:26:08 PM
I like the looks of that one and I'm somewhat interested in getting one so I'll be interested to hear how you are getting along with it.  I have actually been looking a lot at the new solar panel from Bio Lite lately.

But it is a bit bulky so a smaller one might not be a bad idea either.

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Re: Solar powered chargers
Reply #22 on: April 08, 2016, 01:21:30 AM

ca Offline Grant Lamontagne

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Re: Solar powered chargers
Reply #23 on: April 08, 2016, 02:03:07 AM
If it's stupid but it works.....   :pok:

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Re: Solar powered chargers
Reply #24 on: April 08, 2016, 01:14:26 PM
I actually think it's pretty cool haha.

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Solar powered chargers
Reply #25 on: April 17, 2016, 08:41:49 AM
Is that a small car/motorcycle battery he has connected the solar panel and phone to?
-Knívleysur maður er lívleysur maður.
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Re: Solar powered chargers
Reply #26 on: May 28, 2016, 09:05:23 AM
    Apologies for the missing photos from my older posting. Had an issue with a previous Photobucket account and lost it along with most of the photos.

    SunTactics has provided excellent customer support and offers a 5 year warranty if you register the product. Did exchange one of my panels for an upgraded version, they will allow an upgrade if done in the first few months. What other company would do that?
    Did have an issue with one of their panels and the founder and I talked on the phone a few times and found out that it was my error in what I was expecting. That and the winter sun wasn't providing enough juice to recharge the same as in the warmer months. Suntactics goes out of their way to make the customer satisfied! And the panels are made & assembled in the USA.

    They have sales throughout the year (one going on now) and offer a discount to military & veterans.

sCharger 5 - 1 Port
Weight: 7 oz
Dimensions: 6 x 5.6 in (closed) / 6 x 11.5 in (open)
USB Output: 5 volts, 1 Amp (1000mA), 5-Watts
USB: Standard “A”
Solar Cell Type: Monocrystalline
Solar Cell Efficiency: 20%
Indicator: LED (green)
Max Temp: 160F
Waterproof Rating: IPX 7 (40 FT)

sCharger 8 - 2 Ports (I have this one)
Weight: 11 oz
Dimensions: 7.7 x 7.1 in (closed) / 7.7 x 14.6 in (open)
USB Output: 5 volts, 1.7 Amp (1700mA), 8-Watts
USB: Standard “A” / Two (2) Independent USB Ports
Solar Cell Type: Monocrystalline
Solar Cell Efficiency: 20%
Indicator: LED (green)
Max Temp: 160F
Waterproof Rating: IPX 7

sCharger 14 - 2 Ports
Weight: 18 0z
Dimensions: 11.6 x 7.1 in (closed) / 11.6 x 14.5 in (open)
USB Output: 5 volts, 2.8 Amp (2800mA), 14-Watts
USB: Standard “A” / Two (2) Independent USB Ports
Solar Cell Type: Monocrystalline
Solar Cell Efficiency: 20%
Indicator: LED (green)
Max Temp: 160F
Waterproof Rating: IPX 7

    Will admit I was a bit skeptical of their claims, but took the plunge. Only regret was not getting the 14 watt model. The 8 watt has been stupendous over the years and I use it about every day. Has been a Vehicle EDC item for several months now.  :2tu:
* DSC05078.JPG (Filesize: 123.64 KB)
* SuntacticsCarChargeStation.JPG (Filesize: 84.48 KB)
« Last Edit: May 28, 2016, 09:11:25 AM by Xelkos »
¬ Outback Idaho

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Re: Solar powered chargers
Reply #27 on: June 01, 2016, 11:55:12 AM
I have had success with this portable lighting/charging setup from Schneider Electric.
It was designed as a 3rd world lighting solution with charging capability and it actually works well. Long cable to install on a roof or up in a tree, light works all night after fully charging an iPhone on the medium levels.

Its part of my camping kit now.

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Re: Solar powered chargers
Reply #28 on: June 01, 2016, 04:09:54 PM
I think I posted this elsewhere, its the 3.5W older one.  I got it for $15 so I couldn't say no.  I haven't tested to see how long it would take to charge may large power bank 14k mah ( might not be possible ) or 4 eneloops AAs.  The AAs should be enough for my phone and if it gives my large power bank a decent boost in tough situations then I'd be stoked.

IMG_0793 copy.jpg
* IMG_0793 copy.jpg (Filesize: 174.54 KB)
« Last Edit: June 01, 2016, 04:11:05 PM by Aloha007 »
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Re: Solar powered chargers
Reply #29 on: June 05, 2016, 07:47:47 PM
I have several " sun-catcher " rigs :) The GoalZero and SunTactics products are among the very best I have used. I recently found another product I am really happy with. The Nekteck 20 watt, foldable with dual USB ports. It maintains a very even output voltage, even on partly cloudy days. I have paired it with a Skilhunt M1 for charging my IMR and NIMH batteries. Very pleased with the performance of this portable combo.



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