Thank you Legend and Vicman for the kind words.
I love all these comparison photos. Great job
Wow Vicman! Sure is fun to look at the blade size comparisons!
On River Kwai. I'm on the front elephant.You can see her ears wrapped around my legs.
Bonus use today. I've decided that pliers work well to remove these stuck on seals.
DAY 3Letter A for Mini Challenge is for amplifier.Here is the Leap with my Fender amplifier.
Nice Amp!
nice amplifier Vicman!
Great comparison shots Vicman!
Day 3Apple Computer, been using them since 1987. First one was an Apple IIGS.
Day 3 - It’s apples all around.
Bonus Pic - Used the knife to open this water.
Great entries everyone! One more day and the mini challenge will conclude.
Day 3 - It’s apples all around. (Image removed from quote.)
I normally do not gravitate toward the color GREEN, yet the LEAP in GREEN has that IT factor.
Excellent pics all around