Bought this Mako Ti quite a few years back as it appeared to be functional as backup cycling tool.
Have used a Hex bit and seems like I forgot to put it back, or it fell out somewhere. And today I needed to remove a spoke from the rear wheel as I had broken two on opposite sides. Had contacted a bicycle repair shop and they needed to know the spoke measurement of the Spank Spoon 28 rim that was crisscross laced to a NuVinci n380. And... I know I have a few circular spoke wrenches laying around....

... yet I could not find one today. Was about to use a Crescent wrench when I remembered the Mako Ti was laying in a zippered tool pouch on the TerraTrike Rover. Super easy to use. Will probably pick up a Park Tool Spoke Wrench to have on hand at home though, and the Mako Ti goes back where it is needed -- Rover's tool pouch.
Spoke ended up as 156.50mm x 2.0mm via micrometer, as opposed to 6 3/16" using a tri-ruler.
So... I found out something the Garage #5 cannot do.... spokes!