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Discontinued EDC thread!

Offline bryan123

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Discontinued EDC thread!
on: January 10, 2023, 01:59:59 AM
An EDC setup composed of discontinued items.

G Shock GD-350
Ti Scribe Bolt
Fenix E05
Three Rivers Nomad
Nick Shabazz Z Hunter

Whatcha got?

* Compress_20230109_195233_3532.jpg (Filesize: 66.99 KB)

no Offline aicolainen

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Re: Discontinued EDC thread!
Reply #1 on: January 10, 2023, 01:31:23 PM
Interesting theme.
I don't stay up to date nearly enough to know when stuff is getting discontinued, except the really old items that has been discontinued for a long time.

Nice carry. Goes to show discontinuing something doesn't always mean it's replaced by something better and that the world is continually moving forward. Well, except in the case of the Z-Hunter, maybe.
A Ti scribe bolt mini (or short, or something. I don't remember the exact model name) is my most carried EDC pen. In my pocket as I type this.
The TRM Nomad looks like a really great knife. I've been eyeing the Atlas for quite a while, and maybe for too long. Seem to not be available anymore.

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Re: Discontinued EDC thread!
Reply #2 on: January 10, 2023, 03:53:04 PM
Thank you!

A few thoughts:

My Ti Scribe Bolt is the full size because my favorite refill is the Pentel Energel 0.5mm which is similarly sized to the pilot G2.  I also got an adapter so I can  use Parker refills. 

The LTC Nomad was one of the first models that Three Rivers came out with.  Similar size to the Spyderco Dragonfly but with thicker blade stock so not quite as slicy.  it's my Gentleman folder especially when going to Boston.  I believe that much of the demand for the various Three Rivers knives is that they are perpetually out of stock.  I'm not sure this business model can be sustained indefinitely.  I'm not in any big hurry to purchase any more.

What can I say about the Z Hunter other than mine was autographed by Nick himself because i was a patreon.  #notabrilliantman   #randomjackass

I like the PST better than the currently available options especially when paired with either a Micra or SAK Classic SD on my keychain to provide the scissors and tweezers that the PST lacks.

Happy new year,


« Last Edit: January 10, 2023, 04:00:15 PM by bryan123 »

no Offline aicolainen

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Re: Discontinued EDC thread!
Reply #3 on: January 11, 2023, 11:06:43 AM
Thank you!

A few thoughts:

My Ti Scribe Bolt is the full size because my favorite refill is the Pentel Energel 0.5mm which is similarly sized to the pilot G2.  I also got an adapter so I can  use Parker refills. 

The LTC Nomad was one of the first models that Three Rivers came out with.  Similar size to the Spyderco Dragonfly but with thicker blade stock so not quite as slicy.  it's my Gentleman folder especially when going to Boston.  I believe that much of the demand for the various Three Rivers knives is that they are perpetually out of stock.  I'm not sure this business model can be sustained indefinitely.  I'm not in any big hurry to purchase any more.

What can I say about the Z Hunter other than mine was autographed by Nick himself because i was a patreon.  #notabrilliantman   #randomjackass

I like the PST better than the currently available options especially when paired with either a Micra or SAK Classic SD on my keychain to provide the scissors and tweezers that the PST lacks.

Happy new year,


Happy new year to you too

Regarding TRM, and the Atlas specifically, I agree. Their business model is off putting to me. I just can't do the drop-sell-out-in-seconds thing. I tried once, for a Neutron2. When I finally was able to bag the version I wanted, I only made it to the check out before being notified they had halted international shipping. Bummer.
I don't think it's entirely intentional on their part though. They're a small shop, all things considered. From a long term business perspective, scaling up responsibly is probably better than trying to meet the (probably quite surprising) demand too quickly, with all the investments, risks and QC issues that tends to go along with such strategies.

The problem with the Atlas, which as I understand was developed to be a more affordable successor to the Nomad, is that I didn't really need it. I guess you can say that about most of our tools, but imaginary or not - the use case for this one was built on particularly weak reasoning.
I don't travel a lot to countries that restrict locking folders, but it's of course nice to have the option. I also like slip joint mechanisms, but one reason I don't use or carry them much is the lack of modern features like pocket clips and one hand operation. The Atlas was never marketed as a OHO knife and it was known to be quite stiff, but with a fairly generous cutout in the blade OHO was still within the realm of possibility. So joining in on the drop frenzy would allow me the chance to maybe, if I'm lucky, pay a premium for a knife offering a mechanism I don't really need, with a feature it may or may not prove to have.

Being as it was quite up in the air if the OHO of the Atlas was a realistic expectation, I jumped on the Hennie Haynes S90V/G10 Spyderco Urban to have both as fallback option if the Atlas proved to not be a workable OHO knife, and a workable intermediate solution while I waited for the Atlas to reach a better balance between production volume and demand.

The Urban, while a great design, has it's own shortcomings though, so I still wouldn't mind having a go at an Atlas. At some point, and without updating the specs, the already short blade of the Urban was shortened a bit to comply with even stricter blade length restrictions found in some areas. I find it a bit annoying, when the knife/handle is so small to begin with, that they choose to leave so much of it unused. Another, related issue, was that shortening the blade while keeping the blade height, changed the blade shape somewhat. And in my opinion not to the better.
I will say though, it's still a charming little slip joint. And if Spyderco one day change their mind again and choose to extend the blade and fill that handle to the limit, I would probably not give the Atlas another thought.
While on the topic, I do find it weird though, that every company making slip joints are so narrow minded. So many new slip joint designs are being made these days, but new materials and updated patterns aside, somehow almost no one dares to challenge the old truth that slip joints should have nail nicks and no pocket clip. With so many countries restricting locks, this self imposed design constraint is mind blowing to me. Only Spyderco seem to realize this market potential to any real degree - I only wish they also maximized the design potential of their Urban, rather than let arbitrary laws dictate the final product. Or maybe offer it in two versions, if there is real demand for the shorter one.
But hey, I'll be getting the newly revealed UKPK Salt in MagnaCut when it hits the stores. So I'll get my longer blade, albeit with a slightly longer handle as well :)
« Last Edit: January 11, 2023, 11:14:54 AM by aicolainen »



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