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Gerber MP 600 D.E.T Fake.

Chako · 260 · 130975

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Re: Gerber MP 600 D.E.T Fake.
Reply #240 on: August 08, 2019, 04:46:26 AM
Interesting collection focus. I like a good rip-off tool, but don't actively collect them.  :ahhh

But, that said, those DET fakes can still be had all over the place for $10-$20 shipped, so that buyer got a bad deal. :facepalm:
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Re: Gerber MP 600 D.E.T Fake.
Reply #241 on: December 31, 2019, 07:30:06 PM
Thanks for the posting this Gerleatherberman it's important to know what you're buying.  I have see similar MP600 fakes on Ebay in the past.  Buyer beware. 

us Offline NewZona Rides

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Re: Gerber MP 600 D.E.T Fake.
Reply #242 on: May 10, 2020, 03:09:03 AM
Does anyone know if the tool screws work from these fakes in the real Gerber tools. I snapped one off my Center Drive and need to replace it. I know the one from the MP600 is the same but I don't want to tear apart a good MP600 just to tale the screws I need.
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* smaiil CD.jpg (Filesize: 105.87 KB)
« Last Edit: May 10, 2020, 03:14:26 AM by NewZona Rides »

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Re: Gerber MP 600 D.E.T Fake.
Reply #243 on: June 14, 2020, 11:13:26 AM
I have no clue. I have never had to do it. Mind you, considering the obvious lack of quality that permeates the knock off throughout, I probably wouldn't suggest doing that if you are looking for something durable...if it fits in the first place.
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us Offline NewZona Rides

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Re: Gerber MP 600 D.E.T Fake.
Reply #244 on: June 21, 2020, 08:34:06 AM
I suppose I should answer just in case someone ever has the same question I did. I purchased one and found that nothing is interchangeable except the plier head. Since no one would ever want to make that switch I would just say nothing will work on a real Gerber.

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Re: Gerber MP 600 D.E.T Fake.
Reply #245 on: January 02, 2021, 10:06:44 PM
Does anyone know if the tool screws work from these fakes in the real Gerber tools. I snapped one off my Center Drive and need to replace it. I know the one from the MP600 is the same but I don't want to tear apart a good MP600 just to tale the screws I need.

DAmn it is sad though, you snap a screw and consider buying an entire fake tool because it is cheaper/easier than trying to get a replacement screw for the original. I wish Gerber would take this into account. Making a warranty claim to them is the slowest process.

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Re: Gerber MP 600 D.E.T Fake.
Reply #246 on: January 02, 2021, 10:42:37 PM
Interesting. Think it's worthwhile to alert Gerber to this?

A few years ago the firearms accessory the Grip Pod became an item that was issued to certain US Military members, over the course of time poorly made Chinese clones managed to get into the supply system and cause problems for frontline troops. Being that the EOD tool is sometimes issued and used by US Military personnel it may be worth an email to let Gerber know so they can make sure their supply line doesn't get compromised.

The only way it gets into front line troops is when the troops steal the genuine items, sell them and then replace them with cheaper items so they don't get fined by the army for losing items. I think everyone involved is to blame a little. When I was in my ET tool (the thing we use to bury our poop with) got stolen by another soldier. It is impossible to prove but the army would have fined me about 100 bucks for that, so I went down and bought a cheap 20 dollar replacement. It never bothered me because I never went to the front line but it is hardly the copycat manufacturers fault that the tools end up there. It takes 4 parties to contribute, the manufacturer for making them, army for charing their troops to replace them, the soliders for stealing them and the victim soldiers for replacing them with counterfiets.

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Re: Gerber MP 600 D.E.T Fake.
Reply #247 on: May 21, 2021, 03:08:32 PM
Hi guys,
I was searching for used multitools on ebay, stumbled across a seller in EU with some auctions of leathermans and gerbers (which is great for me, I won't pay duties and taxes on that purchase). So I got a bit too exited and placed bids on a leatherman and four mp600s. And now I'm a bit nervous about the gerbers being fake. Could you take a look at his listings and tell me if his gerbers are legit ? They seem fine to me, but then again the only gerber I own is a splice so I'm not sure I'll recognize a decent copy even if I hold it in my hands.  Here is the link

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Re: Gerber MP 600 D.E.T Fake.
Reply #248 on: May 22, 2021, 08:16:33 AM
Hi guys,
I was searching for used multitools on ebay, stumbled across a seller in EU with some auctions of leathermans and gerbers (which is great for me, I won't pay duties and taxes on that purchase). So I got a bit too exited and placed bids on a leatherman and four mp600s. And now I'm a bit nervous about the gerbers being fake. Could you take a look at his listings and tell me if his gerbers are legit ? They seem fine to me, but then again the only gerber I own is a splice so I'm not sure I'll recognize a decent copy even if I hold it in my hands.  Here is the link

As far as I can tell, all those MP600's look the real deal  :cheers:
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bg Offline DavisNikolov

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Re: Gerber MP 600 D.E.T Fake.
Reply #249 on: May 22, 2021, 08:21:12 AM
As far as I can tell, all those MP600's look the real deal  :cheers:
Thank you, I red some about the differences myself and they seem to check out. Auctions end tonight, we'll see what ends up in my basket  :D
Edit : it ends tomorrow night
« Last Edit: May 22, 2021, 08:51:33 AM by DavisNikolov »

us Offline cody6268

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Re: Gerber MP 600 D.E.T Fake.
Reply #250 on: May 22, 2021, 04:15:33 PM
I noticed that Mack Trucks is now selling a fake DET with their name on it; called the "Dark Night" Multitool. Really does not make sense, given they have SAKs and LMs--the real deal.

fr Offline m47mu74nt

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Re: Gerber MP 600 D.E.T Fake.
Reply #251 on: May 26, 2021, 08:11:50 AM
Hi guys,
I was searching for used multitools on ebay, stumbled across a seller in EU with some auctions of leathermans and gerbers (which is great for me, I won't pay duties and taxes on that purchase). So I got a bit too exited and placed bids on a leatherman and four mp600s. And now I'm a bit nervous about the gerbers being fake. Could you take a look at his listings and tell me if his gerbers are legit ? They seem fine to me, but then again the only gerber I own is a splice so I'm not sure I'll recognize a decent copy even if I hold it in my hands.  Here is the link

That seller usually sells legitimate tools : I bought quite a lot of items from him in the last months (mostly MP600/400s and knives)
His Leathermans end up always too high for me though.
Only take care that some tools that "look" good at first on the pictures might not be properly working in the end (slightly bend tools or such cannot always be seen easily on pics)
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Re: Gerber MP 600 D.E.T Fake.
Reply #252 on: May 26, 2021, 09:47:01 AM
Thank you for the input. I didn't manage to get anything this time. Which reminded me why I only search for listings that have "buy now" price.

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Re: Gerber MP 600 D.E.T Fake.
Reply #253 on: May 26, 2021, 04:24:22 PM
Thank you for the input. I didn't manage to get anything this time. Which reminded me why I only search for listings that have "buy now" price.

Just try to "snipe" ;) wait for the very last time to put the bid and you may be lucking sometimes :)
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Re: Gerber MP 600 D.E.T Fake.
Reply #254 on: May 27, 2021, 09:57:37 AM
 I know how the game is played, I just don't like it  :)

fr Offline m47mu74nt

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Re: Gerber MP 600 D.E.T Fake.
Reply #255 on: May 27, 2021, 12:59:12 PM
I know how the game is played, I just don't like it  :)
Quite understandable :)
(although I do seek that little adrenaline rush at the end  >:D)
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ca Offline Grant Lamontagne

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Re: Gerber MP 600 D.E.T Fake.
Reply #256 on: December 10, 2021, 12:37:02 AM
For what it's worth, I picked one of these up and the thing is absolute garbage.  Thankfully mine isn't even marked Gerber, which is a step in the right direction.  Now all we need is a fire in the factory that made it and we'll be set.

The tool sinks completely into the sheath, making it difficult to grab. 

The tool was completely covered in oil upon arrival, which is a surprise, as I don't think any iron was harmed in the making of this piece of crap.

The plier head slides like a water balloon on a bed of nails, but only if both were covered in gravel.

The tools are somehow both floppy and tight at the same time, which caused my fingers to contact the blade edge when trying to pull the tools out for a photo.

The blade is so sharp that I didn't feel the cut... because it didn't.  my soft flesh bounced off the serrations like they weren't even there.  This tool is so bad that I am, for the first time, disappointed to not be bleeding.

All in all, this knockoff is an absolute piece of smurf, and I have had some pretty smurfty tools in my time.  Need I remind you that I have a fake gold fake Tread?  Well, that's an improvement over this piece of crap.

Leave the dents as they are- let your belongings show their scars as proudly as you do yours.

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Re: Gerber MP 600 D.E.T Fake.
Reply #257 on: December 10, 2021, 12:58:33 PM
what a review !
any pics so we can have our eyes bleeding of despair?
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ca Offline Grant Lamontagne

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Re: Gerber MP 600 D.E.T Fake.
Reply #258 on: December 11, 2021, 12:23:19 AM
what a review !
any pics so we can have our eyes bleeding of despair?

There are a couple here:,88214.msg2301708.html#msg2301708

Leave the dents as they are- let your belongings show their scars as proudly as you do yours.

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Re: Gerber MP 600 D.E.T Fake.
Reply #259 on: December 18, 2021, 09:12:48 PM
thx !
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