I didn't get any pictures today unfortunately... I spend the whole time trying to fight the waves.Def
Yup- lots of times it seems like you aren't getting anywhere at all. Luckily on my lake there are marker buoys for the races, so you can see that you are indeed making some progress, just not much!Def
Little to no progress today I'm afraid...Lots of fun, but unfortunately you need to really pay attention to the weather conditions too.Def
Some do, but they are designed for it. If I tried to put a sail on mine I'd capsize!Def
Not enough explosions!Def
Almost as good as succeeding or meeting your goals!Def
If you can't meet them, blow them the hell up!Def
http://www.pyronfo.com/Just Google Home Made Explosives and you'll find lots. Personally I like improvised explosions better. Make things explode on their own, just the way Nature intended!Def
That's a pay site? My mistake... that was the first one that came up when I Googled it!Take a chemistry course at the local community college, or read a few chemistry books at work and you'll find out all kinds of things that blow up- some even when you want them to!Now if you'll excuse me, there are some black Suburbans out front and some gentlemen with dark suits at my door....Def
www.eBay.comLook under "Glow In The Dark"Def
Well when your three armed glowing postie arrives you'll know it's time to give good feedback!Def