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Another Cheapo- Sheffield Adjustable Wrench

ca Offline Grant Lamontagne

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Another Cheapo- Sheffield Adjustable Wrench
on: August 10, 2013, 01:38:00 PM
A number of years ago my mother in law got me an 8 In 1 multiool set for Christmas.  It wasn't one tool with eight functions, it was eight tools with barely a function between them...  ::)

I'm not sure where all of the individual tools went nor do I remember what they all were, but there was a horrible SAK type knockoff, an awful folding knife, a terrible SOG ToolClip wannabee, a useless keychain and this adjustable multitool wrench.

You'll note that this tool is showing signs of rust despite never having been used for anything, and living safely in a drawer.  I am amazed that this rust formed since I wouldn't have otherwise believed any actual metal was used in it's construction.   ::)

As you can see, this particular model was marked with the coveted "STAINLESS CHINA" mark that is so exclusive that none of the major multitool brands are allowed to use it.   Quality control on this was so high that they even managed to put the 80's style puffy sticker on crooked.

I didn't take any photos of it with it's jaws open or compare it to other adjustable wrench tools like the Cool Tool, SpydeRench, Guppie, or even the ubiquitous SpyderGuppie because the worm gear has actually seized shut.  I could probably work at it, loosen it up and open it, but if the 4 years old kids that made it couldn't be bothered to put any effort into it, why should I?

Leave the dents as they are- let your belongings show their scars as proudly as you do yours.



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